What a whirlwind of a summer this has been. I will begin a new chapter of my professional life in mid August and had the opportunity to take a three-month hiatus from work. What a blast it has been. If you are ever given the chance to take off an extended period of time from work, jump at the chance. It feeds the soul and does wonders for you on so many levels. At least it does for me.
We started the summer off by traveling to Michigan for a family reunion. Most people cringe at the idea of such things, but we had a great time. There were a total of 18 of us and we all had such a wonderful time being together and catching up. While we have a close family, we never see enough of one another as we litter the country from coast to coast. We spent a lot of time on/in the water as we stayed at my sister's place on the lake. There was tubing, skiing, kneeboarding, paddle boating, boating and swimming. When Cyrus got up on the kneeboard on his first attempt, I must admit I felt like one of those "sport dads" with a puffed-out chest. There were baseball games, putt-putt golf, trips to the zoo, loads of ice cream and many trips to my fave hometown restaurant, Olga's. Don't even get me started about Olga's. We caught up with old friends and even took a trip to my alma-mater, Michigan State University.
We visited my Mom's new place which was a treat as there was a pool for the kids. Even my Mom went swimming (and continues to do so). There were tons of laughs, jokes and pratfalls. We even took a 3rd place prize in the annual 4th of July boat parade. The theme was movies and we made an "UP" boat. Everyone participated in one way or another, although there were a few who were a bit more gung-ho then others. At one point, we teased my sister Joan that this was becoming a union job, as there was so much work put into it. I knew we were in for a great boat, when my nephew Cory said that he was making the bay windows for the "UP" house. I did my part blowing up and tying balloons.
We came back to NYC for a week of fun in the sun. The weather was blazin' but the kids were at the pool everyday, while I spent lots of time bike riding, running errands and catching up with friends.
Currently, we are at our country house for 5 weeks, just me and the kids. Tim is still working, so he visits on the weekends or whenever he can come up. He came up the other night for dinner which was a nice surprise. We have officially become country mice this summer and are loving every moment spent here. We go to the beach everyday. Do a bit of grilling. Water the plants. My best friend Emil came up for a week, so that was a treat. I have spent so much time in the kitchen, cooking and trying out new recipes and revisiting old favorites. We've only gone out to eat once as it was about 106 degrees and I couldn't imagine cooking. Barely had an appetite that day, but I figured I had to feed the kids (lol). I also have been making tons of homemade sorbet and ice cream, to the point of obsession. We try to make a new flavor every day or so. It helps to beat the heat.
I have about a month before I return to the "real world" but until then I am going to enjoy every last moment of this summer as if I were a six-year old kid on summer break.