
Halloween 2009

I have never felt so much pressure as I did this Halloween. Coming off of an AMAZING Halloween 2008, where our family dressed as Barack & Michelle Obama (Cyrus & Grady, respectively) and their Secret Service agents (Tim and I), people were counting on us to bring it!!!!

Well people, we brought it. We brought the 1980's to 2009. MTV Pop-Stars of the past meet a modern-day family. The cast included:

Cyrus: Michael Jackson
Grady: Tina Turner
Tim: Boy George
Calvin: MC Hammer

Even with the rain, we soldiered on and marched in the parade. From the Moonwalk to the Hammer shuffle and everything in between, we did our thing and had another awesome Halloween. Click link below and enjoy,


Halloween 2009


He laughed so hard

Today the four of us were eating lunch together and talking about different things. Family, Halloween, food, and the human body. Cyrus loves skulls and the tee-shirt that I was wearing had one on it, so he asked a few questions about skulls and skeltons. The subject moved to bones and I told him that the skelton is comprised of  206 bones (I still remember some things from that Human Anatomy class that I took my second year at Michigan State University) supported and intertwined with cartilage, tendons, muscles, etc.

We continued to talk about the body and Cyrus said something about pee, which I thought he said penis. I said that the penis isn't a bone and when Cyrus realized that I said the word penis, he laughed so hard. He kept repeating the word and would explode with laughter. Whenever we mention it, he starts to giggle, which eventually leads to an out-of-control uproar. What is it about that word that makes men of all ages laugh like they are at the circus?