
Our son is a comic genius

I know that some parents say that their kid is the funniest kid to ever live, but our son Cyrus takes the cake. He never fails to suprise us with his wit & humor. And, he's only 4 years old.
Here is a snippet from an email that his teacher sent to us the other day. Enjoy.

Cyrus has been doing fine...he has definitely settled down, but is still Cyrus 
of course.  The other day, he said "Suma, this is a hot mess."  I guess I need 
to stop saying that so much!  Personally, my favorite Cyrus line so far was at 
the park  when he told someone, "Don't play me, play lotto."  I had to walk away 
because I started laughing!  

We told you he was a comic genius. We love this kid. He brightens our day.