
Grady...the photo that captured my heart

Grady and the photo that captured my heart
I took this photo on Grady's 7 month birthday. She had been in our home for two weeks and we were already so in love with her but we weren't planning to adopt her as she was only to be our foster child until she could be placed back with her birthmother. Obviously, those plans changed but that is another story. Back to the picture. I wanted to do something special for the big day, so I purchased a little paper tiara and gave her some treats and made her the princess of the day. I wanted to capture the day by taking photos. The result is below and at that very moment she fully captured my heart. I was a goner and she had the string to my heart wrapped tightly around her little finger. I couldn't believe such a young child could have so much spunk and determination or that it would be possible to love someone so much. 
This photo set the wheels in motion for me to do all I can to make sure that she had the best life possible, whether in our home or not.